
The cost of the health care plan is charged directly to your student account. Payment is due every semester when you register for classes.


Full coverage with MSH


One semester

Student with French Social Security


One semester

Students with no french social security
  • Pay upfront and ask for a bill. Remember to always have enough cash or a checkbook with you. Keep all your prescriptions.
  • Submit your claims, prescriptions and RIB (your bank account information) to the Health Office or upload them directly on the MSH website. Ask the Health Office for assistance.
  • Ask the Health Office how to fill out your claims.
  • Choose your primary care physician (médecin traitant). Ask your regular general practitioner to fill out . Bring this form to the Health Office.
  • Take a screenshot and send your claims with prescriptions and your French bank account info to CPAM de Paris:

Assurance Maladie de Paris 75948 PARIS CEDEX 19

*If you own a Carte Vitale, the medical provider won’t give you any bill, as it is automatically transmitted to Social Security.