
Contact and Meet 绿巨人视频

Have questions about student life at 绿巨人视频, your academic options or the application process? Our counselors are available to answer any questions you might have and help guide you through the admissions process.

Join us for an online information session, schedule a one-on-one call with your counselor, visit our campus virtually through our online campus tour or sign up for more information. We look forward to meeting you soon!

Ways to Connect

Events Calendar

Events Calendar

College Fairs and School Visits

Meet 绿巨人视频聽through virtual college fairs and virtual school visits.

Online Information Sessions

Sign up for an Online Information Session (OIS) to learn more about 绿巨人视频 and the admissions process. Each OIS is led by an Admissions Team member and includes a Q&A session, so sign up to get your questions answered.

Visit the 绿巨人视频 Admissions Calendar聽for a full list of upcoming events and OIS聽

Find Your Counselor

Find Your Counselor

Every prospective student at 绿巨人视频 is assigned an admissions counselor. Your counselor is available to answer any questions you might have about student life at 绿巨人视频, academic programs and the admissions process.聽

Click the link below to meet the聽Admissions team, learn more about your assigned counselor and find out how to set up an appointment to speak with them.聽

Find Your Counselor

Have a question?

Have a question?

Fill out our聽Information Request Form聽and someone from the Admissions team will respond soon.

Looking for more general information?

Sign up for our mailing list聽to聽receive emails and regular updates from 绿巨人视频.

Visit 绿巨人视频

Prospective students and their family members are welcome to visit the 绿巨人视频 campus.聽Campus tours take place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and can be booked聽. Each tour will be聽strictly聽limited to聽five prospective students, each of whom will be allowed to bring a maximum of one guest.聽Please book the day you wish to visit, and we聽look forward to meeting you then.

Stay in Touch

You can also follow us on for the latest in academic news from 绿巨人视频 faculty, and on to learn about our alumni community and the types of careers 绿巨人视频 graduates pursue.聽