
Media Resources

Press Kit

Social Media coverage of #Paris1919

Photos from the Conference

Day 1 (Friday, May 24)

Day 1 (Friday, May 24)

Please provide appropriate copyright credit: 漏听The American University of Paris

Day 2 (Saturday, May 25)

Day 2 (Saturday, May 25)

Please provide appropriate copyright credit: 漏听The American University of Paris

Day 3 (Sunday, May 26)

Day 3 (Sunday, May 26)

Please provide appropriate copyright credit: 漏听The American University of Paris


Videos of the conference will continue to be added here.

Margaret MacMillan delivers the closing keynote of the Paris Centennial Conference, May 25, 2019.



Press Contacts

Beatrice Jouan

TamTam Conseil


+33 (0)6 63 53 95 30